Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assembly Cost Estimate

Above: Assembly Cost Estimate with qty added

Above: Assembly Cost Estimate with qty 1

The process of using RS Means to produce the assembly cost estimate linked above was a very tedious one. The site layout/format itself was good, but my computer's connection with the site was terrible, as each attempt to navigate would result in a long lag time. However, that aside, the process was straightforward. Using two methods to locate the assemblies needed--the search bar and the "tree" expand option--I was able to find slabs, walls, footings, etc. I selected two options for each assembly needed and then chose which one was the better choice once I had exported to Excel. Even after choosing the better option, some manual editing was still required as sizes did not always match. I broke the cost down into dollars per 1 unit (whether it be SF, CF, CY, etc.) and then calculated the new cost for the updated size.

Commercial Wall Section


Above is a commercial building exterior wall section. The substructure is a typical concrete footing with key way supporting a concrete foundation wall with key. Beneath the column is a concrete pad, and supporting the slab is a concrete pilaster. The top of concrete slab matches top of concrete foundation wall. Underneath the concrete slab is rigid insulation, poly vapor barrier, and a layer of gravel.

The superstructure is a mix of steel components and concrete: The exterior wall is concrete with steel columns at intervals along it. The wall has rigid insulation installed on the exterior and a brick facade separated from the insulation with an air gap. Steel beams bearing on the steel columns support steel roof rafters. The flat roof is composed of steel decking bearing on the roof rafters, rigid insulation, and a built up layer of tar and gravel on top. Extending slightly above the top of roof level is a steel stud wall with a treated wood block on top capped with a stainless steel member. Flashing is installed to seal the roof/wall connection. Hanging from the roof rafters is a drop ceiling.