Friday, May 1, 2009

Commonalities In Construction

Throughout the construction industry, many similarities between projects within each different sector can be found. However, there are also obviously some differences as each respective company has developed their own system and methodology.

For this exercise I will focus on the commonalities between projects within the commercial sector, although there are many similarities with projects within other sectors.

  • As is the case with both the basketball practice facility and the new dorm, the owner always has a specific purpose in mind for the completed building, and the building is designed and built to facilitate that intent.
  • As many commercial projects are large and complex, site organization and layout are very critical--among the common concerns are providing adequate parking space for employees, visitors, and deliveries. Large machinery and equipment must be able to not only enter/exit the site, but must also be able access each location it is needed in. Proper surfacing of the site must also be considered so that large puddles don't form and equipment does not sink into mud.
  • Typically, heavy equipment is utilized throughout different stages of each project. This can put a strain on the budget if the project falls behind schedule and equipment is left idle, considering the daily rate to rent a large crane can be crippling. This is one of many reasons why proper time management and planning is imperative to the success of a project.
  • Communication is vital to each and every project--between the owner and the design team, the designers and the constructors, the contractor and the subs, the subs and the suppliers, etc.--and no project will be successful without a system in place where that is the case.